A \u003d 2 means that there is no symlock, A \u003d 1 if the modem is locked. In response, the modem will issue CARDLOCK: A, B, 0, where A is the lock state, B is the number of remaining unlock attempts. AT ^ CARDLOCK? - Checking the lock status and the remaining attempts to enter the unlock code.AT ^ CARDLOCK \u003d 'nck code' - unblocking.If the code request does not appear, you can enter the unlock code with a special program (or with AT commands in manual mode, using terminal programs, for example, HyperTerminal, PuTTy, Huawei Modem Terminal, etc.) To unlock the modem, just insert a sim card of another operator, a window with an input field will appear. An online service that allows you to get an NCK code (unlock code) using the old and new algorithm.